Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Growing Threat

On a night recently, in my refurbished TTC, I received an indication of an anomaly at Event One: Hydrogen Inrush for this universe, SL-Space. I examined it further with the aid of my crew, The Wanderer and the Serenity Avatar. Together we determined it was the handiwork of The Traveller, an increasingly unstable and renegade of my people.

Noting that there were no available containment teams and that it was a dangerous prospect in the best of situations, I landed at the Panopticon to obstensibly allow my companions to rally help. In reality, I girded myself for a one way trip into the maw of the abyss. I tested the old TTC's abilities by ejecting the Library, full of treasured items and artifacts back at the trailing Serenity TTC, now piloted by the Avatar and a Watcher, upset at having been duped. It was my plan to eject block transfer mass into the rift, sealing it and restoring the ability for the birth of this universe to take place. Unfortunately, the closer I got to the event and rift, the shockwaves would increase in force and in timing. As things would have it, both were overwhelming to the old TTC as wel as to myself.

In a stunning bit of piloting (possibly aided by my dying TTC) , The Serenity Avatar and The Watcher boarded the dying craft and rescued me. I was in the opening stages of yet another regneration as they recovered me. This one was rather different as it took quite a bit of time to recover. Now I am with the creation that has survived Old Gallifrey and my top student, travelling SL-Space in the Type 106 TTC Serenity.

The Traveller, does, however, present a problem. In her we have the first overt criminal of our people in this new realm. I will soon call a meeting of Prydonians to investigate and hopefully contain this threat.

Monday, August 17, 2009

On the way to a holiday spot full of relaxation and comfort, my companions and I detected a world out of phase with the timeline. We immediately set out to investigate the discontinuity at Kahruvel. Landing, we localized the source of the phase difference to the southwest of our landing point. There was an eerie lack of life for such an idyllic setting.

At the epicenter, we encountered the Traveller, an associate and acquaintance of mine, and a feline humanoid chatting in an empty settlement. We approached and attempted to address the problem, but were met with dodginess and glib avoidance of the problem at hand. The only thing Trav and her companion seemed interested in was some esoteric experiment they had going on with the local waters to convert them chemically into a novelty beverage.

After several attempts to reason with my old friend, I convinced her to open up to a mind link. In the link, I received horrendous images of death and destruction all intercut together. The madness was staggering in the link, and as a member of the High Council, I placed her in custody, by asking my companion, the artificial lifeform Serenity to place her into a confinement field as well as calling for assistance from new Gallifrey to both aid in rectifying the temporal discontinuity as well as security to help detain the suspected renegades. Safely in the confinement field, my other companion, the Watcher and I could focus on the felinoid, identified as Tink, who pulled a firearm on us while the Traveller negated the containment field.

In the ensuing scramble they made to escape to the Traveller's TARDIS, Tink fired a shot into me as their doors closed and they dematerialized. I, then regenerated into my sixth incarnation. My companions assisted me as we called the TARDIS back with the Stattenheim and once inside, I could safely recover in my zero room. The Traveller and her cohort are very dangerous individuals and it saddens me to see a former classmate and someone I called friend become a renegade of the worst kind. In the struggle to re-establish our civilization, we seem to have also brought some of our worst excesses with us.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Universe Shaking Events

The latest session of the High Council had no dearth of portends. Though I was late due to sealing a temporal rift and caught in a recursion loop due to a timing malfunction in the TARDIS, grand events took place in the Panopticon. First, the President was announced to have perished in establishing the new Eye of Harmony. Second, the Jinn, a criminal, exiled to this realm pre- Time War, intruded and demanded a seat as the Scendles Cardinal. Further, he claimed Article 17 - candidacy for the Presidency. This bold attempt at power grabbing must be countered. We can ill afford a criminal from our past to lead the Council.

I arrived just in time to cast a vote for the ratification of a new set of the Laws of Time. After this, Councillor Mornington launched into first, an extensive review of intel on the Daleks, then put forth a motion for the reactivation of the C.I.A. This, then led to the discussion of how best to interact with Time Force 10. TF10 is already an avocation of two Time Lords: two Prydonians, in fact. It was also mentioned that TF10 already does the basic function of the C.I.A. Developments in that quarter will be interesting as it's a fundamental change, yet, in a way a return to the old ways of home.

More recently, Sen appears to have returned. A change has taken place to both Sen and the SASTAP as several of the Council had an opportunity to meet after Sen's return via the void. An emergency session may be in order to further examine this development.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Chipping Away at A Mystery

Yesterday, the High Council was summoned in emergency session. One more of our number had appeared on New Gallifrey. His ordeal involved him regenerating, thus his memories of the event were sketchy, but he did recall the sensation of having been "pushed" here during the Time War.
When pressed for further information, the name fragment that was in his mind was "Doct-", leading the President to conclude that it indicates the involvement of the infamous Renegade The Doctor. Having been a CIA operative in my career back in N-Space, I am not surprised he would be involved in the transport of many of us into this new realm. But I do hold out the belief that such an act was at least intended to have a positive result. Whether that is linked to the loss of our original homeworld in N-Space due to the Time War, or some greater purpose here, or both, remains to be seen.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A New Old Enemy

Following up on reports that the Daleks were building an impressive presence in this universe, I gathered a team to investigate. A fellow Prydonian, The Rogue and the AI Type 102, Serenity accompanied me to this new Dalek stronghold. In it, we found many breeding pods and some disturbing items.

First, a new Dalek Emperor is in stasis in a grand throne room. This was our fallback position in case we were caught by live Daleks we'd have a bargaining chip while making our escape. Second, a room with a controller that seemed to access my TARDIS's database through my Imprimatur was near an Alteran Wormhole Generator. Coupled with a Dalek shuttle outside, it would appear they have the technology to carry on sustained hostilities. Another mystery is the chamber with humanoid beings in stasis or otherwise dormant. Are these innocents captured for some nefarious plan or are they constructs for some other insidious purpose?
The first session of the High Council of New Gallifrey was a success as we dedicated ourselves to the rebuilding of our home in this new universe dubbed as SL-Space. I was able to present a gift to the President on behalf of our Chapter that should prove useful in both it's symbolism and practicality in managing some of the terrible energies at our exposure. The meeting included a briefing of the various time travelling organizations in this universe as well as a few enemies who, too seem to have made the crossover. Our sojourn here will probably be punctuated with adjustments to our old policies of non-interference and some diplomatic overtures. Also discussed were a number of mysteries to be explored that may explain why so many of us found our way to this universe after the Time War.

Today, I met my old contemporary, Traveriellendira. We talked of old times and both revisited her accident, being caught in a temporal loop witnessing the destruction of a world she tried to save for 200 years. That incident reminded me of the self imposed isolation of our people and the way it lead us into the Time War. We must never let that happen again.